- Teacher: Dr. Ibanga O. ISAAC
- Teacher: Dr. Aniefiok E. ITE
Introduction to Sociology I (SOC 101) is a first semester course for undergraduates in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and other related disciplines in the Akwa Ibom State University. Students are expected to take advantage of the worthy course materials and use them as guides in their study. In addition, students are to source for other materials that are related and relevant to each topic and use them as supplement. Some of these other course materials have been suggested by the course lecturers (see page 2).
This course will help students to analyse the connection between the Industrial and Political revolutions which occurred in the 18th century; the attempts by the founding fathers of Sociology to produce a science of society and emergence of Sociology; the difference between sociology and other social science subjects; introduction to basic concepts of sociological analysis such as roles, status, society, culture, culture contact and many others; the social structure and its dynamics; the process of socialisation and use of its products to channel behaviour towards certain directions while barring others simultaneously.
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